Mississauga, ON L4Z 1R9

E-manifest API is available for testing!

Your One Stop Shipping Platform

E-manifest API is available for testing!

e-manifest API

At Eztrans Logistics, we strongly believe that the API (Application Programming Interface) technology will re-shape the traditional ocean shipping industry. With API, all players in the ocean shipping industry can share their info at low costs without acquiring or replacing expensive operating systems.

Eztrans Logistics is devoted to offer API solutions to all partners. We are pleased to announce that the first ever API has been launched and is available for testing now.
E-manifest API

With E-manifest API, you can use your own system to submit E-manifest to CBSA (Canada Border Service Agency) or Canada Customs directly without double entry, reducing time and errors. If you are a freight forwarder and interested in this API, please feel free to contact us.

We are working around the clock on more APIs including but not limited to ISF (Importer Security Filing), AMS (Advance Manifest System), track and trace, Bill of lading, sailing schedule. Stay tuned!